Although beauty rest upon the beholder's eyes, you can't deny that the general population tends to find Nicole Kidman within the descriptions of being beautiful and gorgeous (except the minorities which include Karl Lagerfeld). Well guess what I just found out?
She's 46 years old today.
And should I mention that Halle Berry is also 46 and has recently announced that she's pregnant? It seems that these days women are really pushing the age boundaries in all directions. But how does these public figures affect women in general? The term "aging gracefully" seems to border on extinction and replaced by "young forever" these days. In Asian cultures, a new term "Wicca Beauty" is coined recently to refer to women who physically defies the normal aging process. These women in their late 40s and early 50s continue to maintain the figure and skin of an early 20 year old attractive girl. In interviews, these women all revealed some common characteristics: hard-working, persistence, diligence, and willing to sacrifice. The Japanese queen of these wicca beauty told reporters that in order to maintain her youthful skin condition, she wakes up every morning at 4:30AM so she can spend an hour going through her beauty regimen before making her husband and kids' lunch boxes, prepare breakfast, and waking up everyone. Then at night, she spends another hour priming her skin before she goes to bed at midnight. I guess Michelle Obama isn't the only one who is willing to give up her sleeping time. For the rest of us women, that can be such a large hat to fill since some of us really need and want that extra hour of sleep. What do you guys think? Are you willing to take such drastic measure to maintain your look?