4th Of July Palooza! (Preparation!)

Posted on the 03 July 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
I love 4th of July! It's a day to be patriotic, although, you shouldn't need a day to be patriotic! You should be patriotic everyday! By respecting America, it's the home of the free and the brave. Some people may not think so, but that is their fault... yes, America has her faults, like every country, but really, I wouldn't live anywhere else! Unless something permits me to... but I hope not to leave this wonderful country. In honor of America and my blog, I have decided to make a craft! I want to live up to my crafting blog award, and I will a lot more this summer! On my way home from Sunriver, we stopped in Sisters, Oregon. My sister, Brittney and I went into this little store called The Stitchin Post. It's this cute yarn and fabric crafting store! I bought some felting beads there and I couldn't wait to use them! So, today, I got out the red; white and blue ribbon to make my head band. I actually got out all of our red; white and blue ribbon... mostly blue. I set up my crafting corner and I began!
I love ribbon and hot glue guns! I am beginning to be a real passionate crafter!So, what I did to get started was I cut two strands of ribbon, close in length so that I could over lap them later...I didn't put the strands of ribbon together until the end, so then I got started on the felting beads. I picked out two red beads and one dark blue bead. I used a hot glue gun to attach them to the red; white and blue diamond ribbon. After I glued them on to the ribbon with the hot glue gun, I used krazy glue or super glue and glued them together. I smooshed the three felt beads together so that it would look and be more compact. My kitty, Punkin always like to help with projects (he is just in the way, the big lug. He is such a lovey dovy boy today! Don't know what is up with that kitty!)He is the cutest! After I put the felt beads on the diamond ribbon, I took the longer strand of navy blue ribbon and put it underneath the diamond ribbon. I super glued it to the diamond ribbon, so make the diamond ribbon stronger and to add a cute affect to it. The end results are very cute! I can't wait to wear it tomorrow!!I love my creation! Using the felted beads was a lot of fun! Cuter than the cotton pom poms in my opinion!Also for the patriotic cheer, and 4th of July charm, I painted my nails with red and blue nail polish with a coating of white crackle nail polish so the red and blue polish can be seen underneath. I think it's adorable!I have my outfit all picked out for tomorrow!I am going to look super patriotic! And I have lots of fun ideas for tomorrow. I hope we end up going to the beach and I hope my cousins can come with us! Although... we haven't asked yet... I hope we can all hang out tomorrow and celebrate America. I am thinking of using food coloring on mayonnaise and making a red and blue condiments on the hot dog or burger. I will add mustard after the picture! I have to have mustard with my hot dog. :)So excited!!! Tomorrow is the day!!!!Happy Palooza everyone!