Self Expression Magazine

4th of July Weekend Snapshots

Posted on the 08 July 2013 by _jessismore @_jessismore
Happy Monday-after-a-long-weekend, everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful 4th with your family + friends! Jeremiah had most of Wednesday off, and it was so nice to spend 5 entire days together.  Much needed. 
On the 3rd, we went to a Twins game with an old vendor from my last job.  The weather was gorgeous, the seats were fantastic... and of course we lost (to the Yankees).  Just after the game ended, all of the stadium lights were shut off for the holiday fireworks display. I don't think I've ever had a nicer or more comfortable view for fireworks.  The perfect way to kick off the long weekend.  
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
On the 4th, we spent the day at J's parents' house and finished off the night with sparklers in the backyard.This happens almost every year:  we spend the day out in the sun, get tired, and never go see fireworks.  We figured since we had seen such a good show the night before, sparklers would do just fine.  
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
The rest of the weekend was spent doing a whole lot of this... 
4th of July Weekend Snapshots 
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
4th of July Weekend Snapshots
Even though I lazed around all weekend, I am in desperate need of some coffee this morning... funny how that happens. 
4th of July Weekend Snapshots

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