5 BEBE BATA (Bebebata) Educational Toys Worth Buying

Posted on the 29 December 2020 by Michael David Oyco @MDoyco
Just like in sports or in any activity that we love to do, we tend to develop skills and think more about how to perform better and get finer results over time.. well, the same condition applies to our young ones. So it's important for us to be equipped with the right tools and keep them in the perfect condition to do it. And I think I just stumbled upon a solution for this..

crayons only for kids? Nah!

BEBE BATA Toys, the official and exclusive distributor of Joan Miro and Tooky Toy in the Philippines. They are an online community that provides educational toys encouraging our children to discover, be creative, learn more about passion and purpose, but more importantly have fun in the process. It's basically learning through play.
I bet even the parents and adults who are kids at heart will still enjoy playing these (including me as a self-proclaimed kid at heart) which is a great bonding time too, right? Let me give a quick shout out to the best titos (uncles) and titas (aunts) out there. Haha! Your pamangkins (nephews and nieces) are waving at you. Lol!
1. Modeling dough

modeling dough

Who doesn't love dough? What I love about dough is that it challenges one's creativity. Whatever the final output is, it will always be subjective. You can always appreciate it whatever its final form is. Kind of funny too! Plus, they come in happy vibrant colors which is very pleasing to the eyes.
Reminder: Don't forget you can combine colors! 
2. Modeling dough tool set

modeling dough tool set

Even though this item is optional where you have to have the dough first, but getting this ups the game neatly. It is pretty nice to know that it comes into these familiar shapes the young ones relate. Of course, they will play with it more and hurray to the learning that will go along while playing with these.
P.S. Playing that rolling pin is satisfying. lol. 
3. Silky crayons

silky non-toxic crayons

They are your ordinary but energy-giving crayons. The twist? They are washable and non-toxic so they are safe to use even on your skin. And fewer worries about getting vandalized because cleaning them is easy breezy. 
P.S. Drawing and coloring books are available too at their web shop
4. Rock painting Christmas kit

rock painting Christmas kit

What?! Painting on rocks? Yes, it is possible and they are so adorable to have. The final outputs can serve as your new personalized home decors.
Remember: They are washable. You can redo them anytime which can be a regular bonding activity
5. Christmas doodling tool box

Christmas doodling tool box

Surprise! Surprise! If you love doodling that much, I think they made a perfect toolbox just for you. You can check more of what is inside it on their web shop below.
Clue: Ho! Ho! Ho! (sounds familiar?)
I hope this list gave you some ideas on what to get your little ones (or even to yourself, lol) the next possible time to give something to them, uhmm.. and that is maybe tomorrow? Lol. If you did not find what you were looking for here, feel free to visit their web shop below. They actually sell more products and services such as mommy and baby essentials and some gifting services as well. My favorite menu on their web shop is the under P500 category in the gifting guide. Make sure to check that out as well.
This will be all for now. Let me know what you think of them below the comment section. Another product or a service review will be nice to hear. But for me, I really dig their concept about nurturing early development plus their items are so fun to see AND use. It seems I will be working on my next art masterpiece using their bright silky crayons or become highlighters on my notes. Exciting! *busy preparing my shopping cart* ;)
Well, it seems my niece/godchild Tala is enjoying hers. Cute!

Tala enjoying Joan Miro silky crayons

Email: shopbebebata@gmail.comWeb page: https://bebebata.com/Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/shopbebebataInstagram page: https://www.instagram.com/bebe.bata/