Self Expression Magazine

5 Mother's Day Ideas of What Mom REALLY Wants for Her Day

Posted on the 07 May 2013 by Sameuniqueness
 photo MommyArt_zpsaa6bda06.jpg  Mother's Day. The day that every one who has a mother is obligated to acknowledge their moms birthing them, raising them, caring for them, and loving them (because if you don't, you will hear it for the rest of year-- and probably for many more years to come). But what does Mom really want? Here are 5 things Mom really wants for the big day:
  1. Spa Day: It can be a full day-at-the-spa package, or merely a manicure. However, any time at the spa is always a welcomed good time. 
  2. Gift Cards: Many people have a problem giving money as gifts and feel that gift cards are just money in plastic form. However, if you know where Mom loves to shop but have no clue what to give her (or she is one of those women who seem to have everything already), a gift card is better than just a greeting card and a smile.
  3. A Babysitter: If Mom has children under the age of 7, Mom might want a break from the kids for even just a few hours for her day. It sounds ironic considering that the children is what makes Mom a mother. However, as much as Mom love her darlings, a few hours alone with some peace and quiet may be a better gift than anything money can buy.
  4. A Maid: Mom feels like she does it all. Instead of burning up the eggs in the kitchen to surprise her for breakfast on the big day, how about cleaning the kitchen so she doesn't have to worry about cleaning your mess after you burn up the food? Mom would smile from ear to ear to see your bedroom actually clean for once and she didn't have to say anything to you about it. So put a little elbow grease into the house and really do something nice for Mom. 
  5. Rest: Many Mom's are constantly running around having to make sure everything is done for everyone else. Mom is tired from the 364 other days she has to "run the ship".  Let Mother's Day be a day of rest for Mom where she doesn't have to leave the bed for the entire day if she so chooses. If it's impossible for Mother's Day to be a day of rest for Mom, present her with a Lazy Day pass on Mother's Day to be used within the year where she can sleep and rest the entire day and finally finish that book she stopped reading the day she became a Mom.

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