5 on Friday

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
Love linking up for this 5 on Friday with some awesome bloggers :)
1.  I am in love with this song by The Band Perry.  My sisters played it for me and it got me a little choked up.  Reminds me so much of my mom and the comfort I have with her.  My favorite lines are "There's no safer place i've found, then the shoulder of her white nightgown" - and "she's the light in the window of the house I grew up in".  I hope someday Andie thinks of me when she hears songs like this.

2.  Andie's head is finally starting to be the size for all the bows I have!  I know this is so little, but I can't contain my excitement.  The jars full of bows in her room are finally getting some use :)
3. I am over the moon excited to celebrate TL on Father's Day this Sunday.  This is the first year ever that he gets to celebrate this day... and Andie & I hope to make it a special one.  I also love any chance I get to celebrate my dad.

4.  I NEED to start cooking again... but I have been a total lazy bones about this and haven't lifted a finger near the stove lately.  My goal for this week is just to make one meal for us for dinner.  There.  I wrote it out, now it needs to happen :)
5.  I am deeply saddened by all of the destruction that has happened in Colorado with the huge fires and with the huge tornados that have taken place recently in the midwest.  I can't imagine what so many people who have been faced with these tragedies are going through.  It's been heavy on my heart - they're all in my thoughts.
{photo courtesy}