1. I was recently at breakfast with a couple girlfriends, and my friend Wendy mentioned that she had a specific "travel bucket list". I have started working on this - and it's one that will probably take a lifetime to complete, if I am fortunate to cross off the places.

2. The hardest part of being a mom so far is when I can't comfort her crying. Especially while driving. I have learned how to do those exercises where you try to "meditate" and take deep breaths while counting to 10. Normally she loves riding in the car and it puts her to sleep, but I have had 2 car rides where she was screaming in the back and it's the only thing that kept me from losing it (completely), too. Good thing they weren't long drives.

3. I have been easing my way back into work for the last two weeks, and it's been interesting. I feel extremely fortunate that I have the opportunity to work part time, and a portion of it is from home and to meetings and locations that Andie can come with me. But, it's still a transition. Especially when trying to figure out how to get on a schedule with her eating and sleeping. I love my job... but this girl is definitely my number one priority now and I am learning how to figure out the balancing act between work and being a first time mama!

4. One of my best friends, Casey, recently introduced me to the magic of photoshop. She showed me a few of the things you can do with it and I was blown away. I could use it for work, personal stuff, and it's just amazing. I am debating biting the bullet and purchasing it for my computer, but I can't figure out if it's worth the $$$. I also would need more training to get the most out of it. Any website suggestions for tutorials? Is it worth it?
5. My favorite show on television right now is Extreme Weight Loss. It is so good, and manages to make me cry every week. It's also inspiring me to get my butt back in shape. I have been slacking still because I haven't been able to figure it out with the schedule (what schedule?) (see also: number 3). But my legs are aching to go for a run and I know I need it for mental reasons too.

Have a beautiful weekend, my friends!