ONE: I don't really have any specific resolutions for the new year, they never seem to last... so I have some ideas on what I want to keep in mind this year...
1. Maintain a solid and loving relationship with my husband.
2. Drink more water.
3. Worry less about things I can't control.

TWO. I have been looking for some cute thank you cards to order and found these online... I love it when Tiny Prints has good discounts. 20% off until next week.

THREE. TL and I love to travel (if you've followed along you probably guessed that). We are planning on hopefully making a trip up to Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver at some point this year. Maybe we will do all 3 in one trip. Have you visited these places? What do you recommend? Is taking the train in between each city convenient? Can you explore enough with out a car? It is so beautiful up there - we just want to wait until it warms up a lil!
FOUR. Andie is on the move! She started crawling before Christmas (army crawling) and it's incredible how fast she has gotten. Trying to figure out if we should put up baby gates (we have one set up, but she isn't a fan of being in there) or if it's best to let her loose. She is already pulling herself up on everything, too - she loves standing by her car. It's amazing to think how quickly the process of her growing up is going... I love seeing her little personality come out :)