5 on Friday

Posted on the 28 March 2014 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
ONE.  As much as I have been in denial about it. . . it's time to face the fact that my sweet baby is going to turn ONE in less than 6 weeks.  The denial has delayed my party planning a little bit, but thankfully, we do have a little plan on what we want to do to celebrate our sweet girl.  It won't be anything big, but I want to be sure she has a cake to smash and a few of her favorite people to sing to her!  I truly wish time would slow down, I am just NOT ready for her to be one.  Any websites or pinterest boards you love for party planning??  Pass 'em along please! :)

TWO.  I've been back at the gym consistently for about a month and am finally starting to feel like I am gaining some strength.  I've focused a lot of building muscle, which is different than my typical running for every work out, and I am feeling different.  TL is really big into cross fit (and looks amazing - he has lost 20 pounds and gotten into great shape) so he has been helping me out a little bit with my work outs.  It feels good to work on my body!

THREE.  We have had some beautiful weather in Nor Cal (It's rainy now - but we need it!)  Andie is definitely an outside babe.  My mom (her Gramz) got her a new convertible car, and she cannot get enough of cruising around our neighborhood.  She isn't a huge fan of her stroller (or being strapped in) so TL and I have also taken her out in her convertible pretty much everywhere.  Including the grocery store, on walks around out Town Center, Costco, Kirklands, Pinkberry. . . it's definitely her favorite way to run errands.  She LOVES this car.  Sometimes she'll wave at people as she drives by. . . it's ridiculous. :)

FOUR.  I feel like I have been wearing and rotating the same few target shirts for the last few months.  I went through my closet a little bit this week to find some old goodies to start wearing more of.  I have such envy of the ladies who look adorable every single day - I just need to make time to invest an effort in getting ready!  I also need a little inspiration.  I am hoping the nicer weather will help!