TWO. I am so excited for my cousin - she's having twins (a boy and a girl) in March. Last week, we had a baby shower for her and her partner and it was so much fun to celebrate them. How cute are these invites!? The shower was sweet, intimate, and a wonderful celebration of two very special people.

THREE. I have gotten a lot of support for The Bow Jar on Facebook and Instagram (@TheBowJar) - and I am really so appreciative of it. I am really enjoying making bows and headbands for babies, girls, and ladies - and I have been excited about every order that comes in. Thanks so much for your support!

FOUR. TL got me (and I got him) a FitBit for Valentine's Day. I am not sure yet how it's going to work for me - but I have been wearing it the last few days. I don't think it's extremely accurate, though. I think it counts me rocking in a chair as steps. But - it is really cool to see an idea of how far I walk in a day and how many flights of stairs... etc. It keeps me aware of being active, and I think that's pretty cool.