5 Reasons To Love Halloween – Time Warp, #1240

Posted on the 01 November 2015 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


Halloween has got to be just about my favorite holiday of the year.  Pumpkins and costumes and trick or treating and candy – I love it all!  I get to relive my childhood through my kids, and I get to watch their excitement, too.  There’s nothing better!

For all you naysayers – bah humbug!  Here are 5 reasons we should all love Halloween.  After all – we have a full year to wait until it comes around again.  So, here’s some food for thought in the meantime.

5 Reasons To Love Halloween

Reason #1:  Pumpkin Carving – From choosing a design to deciding the best tool to practicing safety.  So much to learn!


Reason #2:  Reaping the Rewards – all of those yummy pumpkin seeds after all the hard work of cutting open the pumpkin, separating them from the goop, and cleaning.  What a delicious treat that tests your patience, but is so worth the wait.


Reason #3:  Trick or Treating teaches children to be polite (pleases and thank you’s go a long way) and musters up their confidence to strike up a conversation.


Reason #4:  Negotiating skills gained from Halloween candy swaps.  Man, kids can be ruthless business associates!

Reason #5:  Creativity!  Making treats and coming up with costumes and decorating taps into your creative side.

Halloween is a wonderful time of the year, and I’m a bit sad that it’s over.  The traditions are tried and true and have lasted for generations.  That is why my song is “The Time Warp” from Rocky Horror Picture Show, because Halloween is just that – a time warp of happiness.