Plans were broken yet again. Didn't come through when you needed them. You actually feel drained physically and emotionally after being around someone. You start to make excuses in your head why your friend leaves you hanging...and the excuses start piling up. Does any of this sound familiar to you? There is nothing worse than a promise broken. It leaves you feeling unsupported, unloved, unwanted and unappreciated. I have been there many times.
When I reach the point that my presence feels like a burden on a person or even a business establishment, I decide that I don't need them in my life anymore. I am not a burden to be passed off and treated as if I could be discarded at any time. No. In fact, I am a gift to the world and so are you. So are you my friend.
5 Reasons You Need Supportive People in Your Life
- They LIFT you up. LIFT. Higher and higher. They actually help raise your vibrational energy to a higher level which then supports you physically and mentally. This feeling leaves you feeling full as if they were sharing some positive energy with you. You know people like this in your life and you need to make time for them to be around you more.
- They keep their promises. They understand the value of saying you are going to be there for someone or something and they live up to the integrity of their word. It's the old school "My word is my bond." thing and I love it. Your word SHOULD be your bond. Think about it. If not, who is going to believe you anymore? It's like the whole boy who cried wolf scenario. People got tired of listening to his ass too. <<< Truth.
- They make time for you. My friends started showing up at my yoga classes. Secretly, it's not like I didn't want them there, it meant the world to me. But I didn't want to let them down at first because I was nervous. I then realized, HEY. Wait a minute. They are making time for me!!! Yes. This is what it is about. It's about support. If I suck, they will honestly give me some feedback on what I can do to make this class better. And I will be okay. <<<< I was okay and we went for beverages after.
- They talk to you...FACE to face. I worry about the "Next Generation" and not in a Star Trek kind of way. I worry because my daughter's text are like this "WYD". "IDK, WYD." For real. That is garbage and you need to talk on the phone. Tonight is the night before her first day of high school. I SPENT HOURS talking to me BFF, who I am still friends with to this day, on the phone. In person. At her house, and knew every family member. You need to know your people. Your tribe. Your community. You need to feel welcome with their people. If you don't, it might be time to move on.
- You feel loved and supported. This one is really important. If you had to count on someone to be there for you, do you have a list of people who would drop anything and everything to be by your side and do whatever it is you need them to do? I do have a small list. It's okay if it's at least 1 person, but find that one person. Find them and don't you know, stalk them or anything, but let them know you feel supported and truly appreciate they have done for you. Sometimes supporting people means telling them things they might not want to hear, but you have to be able to speak your truth to them. If you can't, they aren't the right people.
So your task, beautiful gift to the world, is to go out and find those who support you and give back to you. Filling your cup, your bucket, your pool up to brimming. Make time for these people. Make time. For these are the people who will be there for you when you need them and they will stand in their truth beside you and support you as you live your truth. Go forth and lift up a friend today.