As a character she's also pretty inspiring. Here;s five things I've learnt from her so far.
1. We don't always start as we mean to go on.
Just because we're a certain way now, certainly doesn't mean we always will be. Daenerys starts out as meek and submissive but she ends up kicking ass and lives up to her name as a princess of Valyria. Life changes us, sometimes for the better.
2. Hold fast to your convictions.
Dany was given three 'ornamental' dragon eggs as a wedding gift, and everyone told her they were dead and useless, as dragon's hadn't been in existence for hundreds of years. That doesn't stop her from placing them in her husband's funeral pyre then walking into the flames to claim them once they hatched.
3. Never lose your softness
As time goes on, Dany becomes a strong leader, and passes harsh judgements on people that oppress others. She also keeps a strong grip on herself, and remains compassionate to slaves, women and children, and never acts as though such people are beneath her. No matter how fierce she is expected to be, she doesn't give up her good heart.
4. Don't give up on your dreams
Once she's set her mind to reclaim her place on the throne of Westeros, it's not all plain sailing. Someone nicks her dragons, she nearly dies in the desert, and isn't a stranger to people trying to murder her. She doesn't give up though, and keeps battling on until she has herself the most powerful army in the seven kingdoms.
5. People respect good manners
Daenerys is always polite and respectful to everyone she meets. She's never rude or insulting, even when she's being insulted herself. This level of patience, understanding and most likely self control is admirable, and commands everyone's respect far more than her brother, who just tried to scare and bully people into submission.
Anyone else in love with this woman, do you prefer the books or the series?
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