1. Pick your Word of the Year!
Paint your word onto a piece of cardboard and tape it to the ceiling above your bed. Make a banner with string, paper and some glitter and hang it over your mantle. Like these:

from Cottage 960

via Katie's Pencil Box (click photo for tutorial) This one was originally for the holiday season. I love that line from "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." It would make a great Phrase of the Year.
2. Play in the Snow
This was the view from my apartment yesterday:

It was the first real snow storm we’ve had this winter, so Fiancé and I went out to play. He threw snowballs at trees and I threw snowballs at him… and then whined when he threatened to through them back at me (like the true feminist I am.)
I love being outside during a snowstorm; it’s so quiet, even in the middle of the city. The streets are empty and the only sound is the snow crunching under your feet. So, before winter ends, and hopefully before February, get out in the snow. Build a snow-woman or take a contemplative walk sans headphones.
If you live somewhere outside of a four season eco-system, take in the rain or the wind or whatever weather is manifesting during this time of year.
3. Create a Valentine’s Scheme
via Etsy
I love Valentine’s Day, but not for the traditional reasons. I’m not a romantic person but I love that in the middle of the bleakest, most colourless month of the year, pink and red hearts pop up on shop windows and in department stores. I consider Valentine’s Day decorations to be the first flowers of spring. Also, I love cinnamon hearts and rom-com’s from the 1980′s.
Find something about Valentine’s Day that speaks to you and celebrate it. It’s an opportunity for brightness and cheer in the middle of the long, dark winter. I’m going to be doing a “Valentine’s Ideas” post with a list of suggestions, but Horror movie marathons + Chinese food = a popular Valentine’s combo for many people… and by people I mean me.
4. Give up on your New Year’s resolutions
Who needs resolutions anyways? Don’t feel guilty about it. Commit when you are ready, not just because the calendar says “January 1st.” Plus, those adorable gym bunnies must be super annoyed that their pilates class doubles in size every January. And the cashier at the liquor store misses you. She told me.
5. Plan

via Goddess Guidebook
Invest in a yearly planner, journal, datebook or calendar. It’s easy for holidays and celebrations to slip by unnoticed while you’re caught up in the drama of daily life. Write things down! Put huge stars beside important dates like anniversaries, equinoxes or the birthdays of your heroes. Make a plan to celebrate them.
Also, spend some time reflecting on the previous year. What would you have done differently? What did you accomplish? What still needs to be done?
Goddess Leonie’s Workbook is great for this, particularly if you’re a creative, goddess-centered New Ager.
Or just journal in a spiral notebook or in a Word file on your laptop. Whatever works for you.