5:15am Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep At 8

Posted on the 26 February 2013 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

I have a feeling my sleep pattern is gonna be off for awhile. I got off work this morning and knew I couldn't take a quick nap because of a 2 o'clock appointment i had and there was plenty that needed to be done around the house before then. So after some yard work, and a really eye opening opportunity that fell in my lap via that appointment, I chilled, ate some delicious dericious Chinese food, and passed out at 8 o'clock. Fast forward 6 hours and I'm waking up at 2 am. I tried, really tried, to just stay in bed too. But my tv was on in the other room. Once I got up it was over. I knew I was wide awake.

And now it's 4:47 in the morning, and I'm lying in bed blogging on my Ipad after a random 20 minute Facebook messenger conversation in the middle of the night with a sweet, attractive, but queen-of-flakiness-her-own-worst-enemy friend of mine who I hadn't talked to in months.

Don't worry, you're not the only one wondering how I took this picture with my eyes

5:15. It looks like the cool function on my Ipad that makes my eyelids heavier while lying in bed is working. On that note, goodnight ;)

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