Diaries Magazine

52 Week Photography Challenge - Introduction

Posted on the 28 December 2014 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
52 Week Photography Challenge - Introduction
For 2015 I really want to try and hone in my photography skills and so I have decided to make my own 52 week photography challenge.  This has been inspired by other popular photography challenges but I have altered the weekly subjects to reflect (and inspire) my own interests. 
If you would like to take part, I would love for you to link up with me. I will be posting my photo every Sunday along with a link up (if I can get my head round it that is!!), and think it will be a fantastic way of sharing each others creativity and special moments.  The challenge will start next Sunday and the first subject is 'Beginnings'. Have you ever took part in a photography challenge? Mummy B xoxox

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