Constituting a high-level forum on 5G India 2020 is a right step for India joining race in the 5G ecosystem. 2020 could have two notions. Either India will play it as a Twenty20 cricket match and score pacingly to excel in the field. Or by the year 2020, India will imerge as a major player in this field. Whatever is the case, India is already among the teechnology leaders in the global spectrum. Thus craving for a next generation of wireless technology 5G is not a bad deal at all. 5G has a great potential as we all know. In fact, it is the foundation for enhancing the power of the Networked Devices and People. It also goes well with Digital India mission. The power of connectivity is already bringing a digital transformation in almost every industry. IoT is playing a substantial part.
In today’s era we are talking about smart buildings, smart industries, smart transportantion, smart cities, smart hospitals, and smart nation. 5G can add a great value to this massive requirement and thus help in expanding the landscape to a larger scale. Future networks have to cope with this massive demand that is varying and versatile in nature. Obviously, tomorrow’s business landscape will be exhaustively different from today in terms of nature, form, and quality. At the same time, the economic advantages of the 5G technology are also significantly high both in terms of results and value. On same lines, 5G India 2020 need a promising start. Definitely, technology has a huge potential. Now, it all depends on us, how we fetch the juice out of it.
5G India 2020 Has A Great Potential
Reportedly, OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Devlopment) Committee working on India’s Digtal Economic Policy anticipates huge benefits from 5G technologies rollout thus setting a right tone for 5G India 2020. These benefits include Increase in GDP, Economy Digitization, and increase in employment. All three are important factors for the growth of any country. In fact, in case of India, 5G will create scope for industries to expand to global markets. Also, it will help consumers, on the other hand, to gain with the economies of scale. As a matter of fact, it is not only India launching this forum. Many other countries are doing so. In fact, India will have to compete well in this race in 5G technologies. Probably collaboration and knowledge sharing will be the best options for all to grow together.
The primary goals of 5G India 2020 Forum will have two key focus areas. Firstly, there has to be an early deployment of 5G in India. For this, there has to be a rapid overhaul of basic infrastructure. Secondly, it aims to go in for a globally competitive product development and manufacturing ecosystem. The initial target is to cover 50% of India market and 10% of the global market during next 5-7 years. Going further the forum will ensure research ecosystem, regulatory framework, and inclusive business environment. In fact, design and manufacture of 5G technologies, products and solutions will be the key action point. This includes manufacture of 5G chipsets under Make In India mission. For this, 5G startups will get a boost to enhance design and manufacturing specializations.
5G India 2020 to ensure rapid growth in 5G technologies
In fact, 5G India 2020 forum will also focus on a substantial growth of Indian technical ecosystem so as to acquire an edge in 5G. This would involve development of relevant technology platforms and testbeds. As a matter of fact, all this require a huge investment. The ultimate goal, as of now is to ensure 10 Gbps across urban belts and 1 Gbps across Rural areas. Obviously, for this it needs high-speed deployment of next generation equipment all across the country. That includes ultra-high broadband infrastructure.