5th Day of Fitness {Late}

Posted on the 07 October 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Today was an interesting day for fitness. I woke up a little late and only had time to walk Heisman. At work I ate somewhat healthy, but it was at night that made things interesting.
G wasn't feeling up to working out because he worked out hard on Thursday night. I wanted to work out and remembered visiting a blog about "Lazy Girl Workouts." Basically its a blog about working out around the house. For example, instead of walking room to room I did lunges. For each article of clothing that wasn't in the hamper I did a wall sit for that many seconds. It wasn't much of workout but at least it was something.
I have been a slacker this week, but next week no excuses. I signed up for a 5K on the 20th and I want to be able to run/jog most of it. I'm super excited for it.