• The movers: Individual/team/school complete 5k distance by walking, jogging, running, cycling, rowing etc for 50 days • The added extras: Individual/team/school complete minimum 30 minutes of activity/exercise including the above with addition of yoga, weight training, exercise class etc for 50 days • The pairs: Two people split the challenge to cover 5k for 50 days between them, so each person does 25 days. • The teams: Five people cover 1km per day for 50 days by walking, jogging, running, cycling, rowing, swimming etc. • The builders: Individuals build from five minutes of activity to 50 minutes of activity by the end of the 50-day challenge
Five charities in 2015
In 2015, the 5x50 Challenge, which is a Scottish charity, will raise funds for five charity partners. These are Macmillan Cancer Support, SAMH, Guide Dogs, Chest, Heart and Stroke (Scotland) and Children 1st Raymond Wallace, the other 5x50 founder, said: “The Challenge started off in Scotland as a personal challenge in 2012, to run 5k every day for 50 days. “Since then it has grown amazingly quickly and with so much enthusiasm from so many people worldwide. Research demonstrates that habits are formed after 21 days, so with the challenge running over 50 days, this makes it much easier for participants to continue beyond the end of the challenge into a new way of life. “We are very hopeful of a fitter and healthier future for so many more people thanks to 5x50.” So I'm going to put my trainers on every day for nearly twin months - or at the very least get on the yoga mat. Anyone fancy joining me? Sign up to the 5X50 Challenge at www.5x50.org Also see www.facebook.com/5x50challenge and twitter.com/5x50challenge