1. A photo-upload canvasA photo canvas of the little one or of you all as a new family is a lovely idea...and not just for the nursery! Or if you like something a little more creative and arty, you could display a photo canvas of your favorite features of theirs, such as a picture of their teeny feet or their sleepy pout. You can get good quality canvases online too from new sites like Zippi which makes it an even easier option, too. 2. Printed quotesQuotes are a lovely modern idea for wall art, but you can always opt for traditional quotes too. You could go for your favorite quote from a children’s film or story book which is a really sweet idea, or why not even get super creative and make up your own?! You can create your own personalised wall quote here if you can’t find one you like. 3. Pictures of characters/a scene from a film/bookThis is an especially nice idea if there’s a particular book/film you always watch/read to them. If you’re not at that stage yet, you can always stick with the classics, such as a photo of the bunnies from ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ which is great for both genders, and characters/scenes from Disney films are of course always a winner. 4. Framed keepsakes Invest in a few box frames and fill them with special keepsakes from baby’s young life, such as their teeny first baby grow, their hospital identity band and their first scans. You can then display them on the wall and this is a really unique, creative and cheap piece of art work that will look absolutely beautiful, and the beauty of it is that you can just take it down and keep it safe when it’s time to update the room! 5. Printed hand and foot printsLikewise, keep the focus on your little bundle of joy and frame prints of their lovely little hands and feet. These make beautiful pictures for the wall, and they even make great gifts when it comes to finding a present for grandma or granddad’s birthday. You could even get creative and make prints/patterns out of the shapes too. 6. Lettering and numbers You can always keep things sweet and simple by putting up lettering on the wall that spells out things like their name, or even just their initials if you like a modern and simple appeal. You could always go for significant numbers too, such as their time of birth and weight etc which is really contemporary and surprisingly cute. What art decor did you opt for in your childs room and why?
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