But now that the scars of the loneliness have started to heal I am realizing how fortunate I was for my relationship to go through those two years apart. There were parts that were really REALLY difficult. The worst part had to be when he was living with his parents. They weren't fond of me at the time. Who knows if they are fond of me still! They told him he couldn't call me around dinner time (5pm-6pm) and he had to go to work most days at 7pm so we only spoke 20 minutes most days while I was at work 12 hours.
There were also parts that were wonderful. That special excited/nervous feeling of seeing him every time he came to visit. Each hug and kiss was a treasure. The long conversations are burned in my memory the most. I would press the phone against my ear tightly to feel closer to him. We'd 'kiss' the phone every single night to say good night, sweet dreams, I love you.
It amazes me that after only 5 months of close-distance dating we were able to last over two years apart with the distance. Long distance relationships in medical school are no easy feat, especially the first year!
I am so glad that I went through it all. But I'm very happy where I am today, which is sitting at his desk typing when he comes upstairs to use the bathroom and he comes over and places a kiss on my forehead before going back to watch TV.
It was all worth it. Even if he still hasn't put away the laundry I folded perfectly for him ;).