6 Reason I'm a Normal Girl

Posted on the 18 June 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I got this idea from Steph at Bourbon and Glitter but she wrote about the 6 reason she is NOT a normal girl. I decided to share the reason on why I am a normal girl. I don't really talk about fashion or beauty too much on this blog, but I am a regular girl who just spends most of her time at sporting events.

1. I do have my future children's name picked out. When we first got Heisman we already had his name before we even got him. In case he was gone we had a girls name too. Gary and I talk about having kids soon, and we already have their names plan. I am hoping for a boy/girl twin. I'm not going to tell anyone their names until they are born. Sorry!!

2. I Love inspirational quotes. I have a whole board on pinterest about quotes. I checked twitter the other day, and a lot of my favorite tweets were verses or quotes.

3. I like romantic comedy movies. I don't enjoy watching movies that make me cry. I have never seen The Notebook for that very reason. I do LOVE movies like Sweet Home Alabama, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, etc.

4. I love to shop and play with makeup. I actually do like shopping and fashion. Just right now I am just insecure about my weight and clothes fitting the right way. When I was younger I would love to draw out clothes. It was so much fun!! Plus, I have way too many purses. They are my favorite. The only downfall is that all the purses I like are WAY expensive, and don't fit in our budget.
Since I was little, I have loved playing with makeup and colors. If I just gave myself more time in the morning I would pay more attention.

5. I love gossip magazines. Every time I'm at the grocery store I always pick up those magazine. I love them. I get inspiration from them even though I mostly blog about sporting stuff.

6. I'm crafty.I love to sew! Whether it be sewing, cross stitch, crocheting or knitting. I spend way too much time to be pinterest.

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