Self Expression Magazine

6 Whole Days of VACATION(s)

Posted on the 04 September 2012 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hi guys! Boy has it been a long time. I know I know. You all thought I died and stuff… I’m the worst blogger EVER! Basically I was super duper busy trying to get everything tied up for the move. Basketball pre-season is picking up so my schedule is just a little overly packed. Then I had to get my life together to go on a 10 day vacation.

All of that combined left me with too few minutes in the day and not enough will power to get blogging onto the schedule.

Anyways… I’ve been on vacation for exactly 6 days.

First Vacation… Chico, CA

Max and I spent 3 days with his parents in Paradise, a little town just outside of Chico, CA.

Let’s do this Montage Style…


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We ate at the famous Sierra Nevada Brewery.





I bought a ukulele and Max and I started a band.


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I promise… some videos are coming soon.

Then on Saturday morning we left Chico to meet up with my family in Sunriver, Oregon for a week at the Sunriver resort.

And on Sunday…

I ran my first 1/2 Marathon!!!!!

in 2 hours. 28 minutes. and 30 seconds.

I didn’t walk at all.


I promise a full 1/2 marathon review in a day or so. Plus a BreathSlim review and how it helped me train for my half.


I hope you are all having a great Labor Day!!!

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