I have been attempting to follow the Tone It Up 7 Day Slim Down this week and have done a decent job at it. I am ok with that though, because when I started it, I knew being on vacation and seeing friends all week would make it more of a challenge to follow. I have been loosely following it as a guide and mostly been trying to eat clean and healthy.
The main parts I find important and try to complete each day are:
Morning workout for 20 – 30 minutes. This helps to wake up your metabolism, get your blood flowing and start the day off right. All week I have been either going for a run or walk for at least 30 minutes. I find it so satisfying and almost relaxing to exercise in the morning. Walking is a good alternative if you are feeling too exhausted to push yourself on a run. As long as you do something, it’s worth it!
Eat every 2-3 hours. This prevents your body from going into starvation mode and helps to burn fat! Sometimes it’s hard for me to follow this exactly, but I try because it is proven to work
No starches after 3pm. This is the most difficult thing for me because I love me my sweet potatoes and carbs! But, it makes sense and I am trying my best to stick to it. This morning I woke up craving starches so I made myself a protein pancake. Craving fixed!
I still have a couple days on the plan but so far I think the 7 Day Slim Down is a great plan, keeps you full and definitely helps you tone up. I did not take measurements or weight myself before I started because I knew I would not be following it exactly. I do, however, plan to do it again soon and next time I will see how much my body changes in the 7 days.
On another note, it is June. And, June officially marks the start to my summer of running! I have a few races I am signed up for and I have a couple more that I know will pop up.
The big race I need to prepare for is the Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half Marathon September 2! My best friend from High School just moved down there so I have a place to stay and it will be a perfect excuse for a vacation and fun get-away with a race as well!
I have a Fathers Day run planned for June 17th in NH. It is the RibFest 5 Miler; running, beer and ribs… sounds good to me! I won this fun race from Janine over at The Purple Giraffe so I am excited to meet her at the race and eat some delicious ribs!
Also stay tuned for more details on the Boston Color Me Rad 5k race in July! This race looks so fun. You start out wearing all white and end up looking like this!
I may have some free entries to give away… check back soon!
What are your weekend plans?
Vinnie and I are headed up to VT to see family and friends!