7 Signs You Need A Vacation

Posted on the 06 June 2012 by Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita
7 Signs You Need  A Vacation
1. You spend at least five minutes in the suntan lotion section sniffing Hawaiian Tropic.
2. You downloaded "The Pina Colada Song" on your ipod.
3. You've been known to wear your bathing suit under your clothes at work.
4. If you use margarita salt on your food, you seriously need a vacation!
5. Keep referring to the kids as "maid service".
6. You try to order room service and your husband answers the phone and tells you to get your @$$ to the kitchen and make it yourself.
7. Your skin is so pasty white you are considering trying out for a role in the movie series "Twilight".
*If you have any of this symptoms, get to the nearest beach or resort! Repeat if necessary. ;)