7 Things I have learned as a Mother...
... If your child said they cleaned their room, don't open the closet. It's liable to cause broken bones.
...If your child says "No, don't look in there" chances are there is something dangerous or messy
...The saying "If there's a will, there's a way" applies to everything your child isn't supposed to get into but manages to anyway
...If you can microwave chicken nuggets you are the best ever Chef!
...Everyone else's parents let them get away with murder, and your not fair.
...Counting to Three now involves 2, 2-1/2, 2-3/4 and if you really get to 3 after that there's big trouble.
...You can Vacuum, Blast the TV, Do the Laundry & Run the dishwasher while your child is napping, but DON'T FLUSH THE TIOLET, they will wake up!