7 Things That Gross Me Out

Posted on the 22 August 2014 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
This post is about things that gross me out, for varying reasons.
Enjoy being grossed out with me.
1. "Human Barbies"

Valeria Lukyanova

Lolita Richi

Like, WTF.  People aren't dolls.  Aspiring to be shouldn't be a thing.  If you happen to have freakish Barbie proportions, good for you, but the fact that these women are going "ooh, so it would be totes sexy if I also put in contacts and painted my face to look like it's made of plastic" is creepier than Robin Thicke...just being Robin Thicke.
2. The Food Industry
And not just because I'm vegan (although that is certainly part of it).  The entire way we eat in this country is completely disgusting.

From mommyish.com

This is what "Mechanically Separated Chicken" means.

Fun fact: did you know that we use SO much land to farm cattle (about 41% of the land in the continental states is used for livestock, about 30% of land mass worldwide), soy, wheat, other livestock, and dairy and eggs that if every American were to actually eat the daily recommended portion of fruits and vegetables we wouldn't even have enough?  (Not to mention the staggering environmental impact.  God damn, don't get me started.)
3. Twitter Trends
It is a special day when #yesallwomen or #Ferguson or #PrayforBoston is trending.  Most of the time it's something about the Biebs, One Direction or Prince Harry.

This is from today, 08-22-14.

4. Sean Hannity

Photo Courtesy of redknucklepolitics.com

A lot of Republican assholes piss me off, I mean I've been known to accept the "Rush Limbaugh's soft, shitty body" card as the winner in Cards Against Humanity even when it doesn't make sense, just because it fills me with a sense of wicked glee, but Sean Hannity is beyond an asshole.  He is disgusting.  His hair looks like Lego hair, that just pops onto his head in one solid, plastic piece.  His face is creepy.  His mannerisms are rude to the point of being appalling, and even his voice makes me want to rip my laptop in half.  Some of it isn't his fault, but most of it is, so I don't feel badly making fun of him.
5. Tampons

Not because of periods.  Periods are gross in a way, I mean it's blood pouring out of you and it smells kinda funny, but periods are natural and they don't gross me out.  Tampons, though...think about it.  Production of tampons is not regulated, meaning who fucking knows if they're sterile, and in fact there have been reports of them falling off the conveyor belt and being picked up and put right back on.  They are questionably clean wads of cotton that we shove up our vaginas, letting them collect all the blood, fluids and bacteria and holding it all there to let it grow until we yank them out and shove another one in.  They have a little string that hangs out and gets poop on it from your asshole and then works its way up to your urethra, giving you UTI's.  They use SO MUCH FUCKING PLASTIC.
They are also expensive.  They are gross in just so many ways.  Go buy a menstrual cup instead, you'll be glad you did.
6. Calling Creepy Things "BDSM"
Best example being Fifty Shades of Grey, of course.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

The short version: a rich, powerful older man follows and tracks the phone of a helpless, naive, virginal college student.  He takes her from her friends at a bar while she is drunk, removes her clothes and puts her to bed in his own bed at a hotel, and then convinces her to sign a contract saying he can abuse her and she can't tell anyone about it.  He even ignores her safe word (pretty much the biggest no-no in the entire BDSM world).  This is abuse, not BDSM.  It gives BDSM a bad name and gives abusers an excuse for their hurtful behavior.
On that note, I once had a date tell me that I wasn't a "real submissive" if I had lines.  I'm pretty sure his exact words were "how can you be a real submissive if you won't do whatever I want?"  He wanted anal, and I told him I don't like anal and don't do it.  That was his response.  That is a giant red flag.  Look out for people like that.  They are not doms, they are abusers.
And they are gross.

7. "Bride of Christ," "Heavenly Husband," etc.

Photo courtesy of kenbirks.com

Who the fuck follows a religion that says all its collective followers are the "bride" of its deity?
I mean there have been lots of groups of Christians who actually believe in some form of sexual interaction with Jesus.  Like the Children of God, who taught their followers to masturbate to the thought of boning Jesus (in order to avoid homosexuality, men are to picture themselves as women boning Jesus).  They were even encouraged to talk dirty, like saying "oh yes, fuck me Jesus" and such.  I'm not even kidding.
The Puritans were also not-so-pure, believing that sex with Jesus should be encouraged by funneling the passion into your marriage.  In fact, having sex even with your spouse without the focus being passion for Jesus was considered unclean.

♪Jesus is just all right with me!!!!♪

While hilarious, this is also completely disgusting.  And what's even more disgusting is that it's not that far-fetched, as the Bible makes the implication more than obvious.  The Bible is gross.  And creepy.  I don't know why I didn't just give it its own entry.

What grosses you out?