76-Carat Archduke Joseph Diamond Fetches $21.5 Million

Posted on the 13 November 2012 by Pricescope @pricescope

By Erika Winters

The legendary Archduke Joseph Diamond sold for $21.5 million at Christie's Geneva on November 13. The 76-carat diamond was the property of the Archduke Joseph August of Austria, Palatine of Hungary (1872-1962). The D-color and internally flawless clarity diamond was named after the Archduke, who was the great-grandson of Emperor Leopold II and King Louis Philippe of France through his father and mother respectively.
The incredible diamond is said to be from the famed Indian Golconda mines, an ancient source which once yielded some of the world's most renowned diamonds, including the Koh-i-noor, the Regent, and the Hope.

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