8 Killer Blogs You Should Be Following

Posted on the 22 September 2014 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
8 Killer Blogs You Should Be Following    ~From Jill of all Trades
Do you ever feel like you're drowning in an ocean of shitty blogs?
Do you wade through Feedly, Bloglovin', and Twitter helplessly, overwhelmed by mediocrity?
Do you want nothing more than to have the best blogs rounded up for you in one tidy location?
Well, I'm here to save the day.

8 Killer Blogs You Should Be Following

As usual.

I have gone through excruciating measures to bring you a solid 8 hilarious, helpful, moving, and/or insightful blogs for you to start reading!

They are listed in no particular order, for the record.
8 Killer Blogs You Should Be Following:
1. This Is Not That Blog
Claim(s) to Fame: funny

8 Killer Blogs You Should Be Following--This Is Not That Blog

From her post Good News For People Who Hate Boring News

2. Minimalist Baker

Claim(s) to Fame: helpful, healthy, delicious

From their post Chocolate Peanut Butter Avocado Pudding

3. Mara Wilson Writes Stuff 

Claim(s) to Fame: funny, insightful, and Matilda

Photo by Ari Scott

4. Young House Love

Claim(s) to Fame: inspiring, helpful, Virginians (I'm loyal, okay)

Sherry & John of Young House Love

5. (Not So) Quiet Girl 

Claim(s) to Fame: insightful, inspiring

Nadia is one of my new favorite bloggers!

6. Short Stories and Sustenance

Claim(s) to Fame: clever, funny, insightful

The Best of Short Stories and Sustenance

7. ComaDiary

Claim(s) to Fame: artistic, insightful

From her latest post Sketchbook Sunday #6

8. Pickleope

Claim(s) to Fame: funny 

This is a Pickleope, apparently.

Follow them all on your preferred platform (I recommend Twitter or Bloglovin', but you can also find most bloggers on Feedly if you prefer)!
What other killer blogs don't I know about?  Anything to include in the next roundup?