Hello lovely readers! (Hi Mom!)
Don’t misunderstand me; this is not a negative post. It’s just that we are bombarded with images and ideas 24/7 and I think people should be more selective about where they focus their time and energy. A little tunnel vision might be a good thing. Refusing to care about certain things means you can focus on things you ACTUALLY care about. For example, refusing to care about the color pink (and I do) means that I can focus better on pleather and black lace (and I do.) What do YOU refuse to care about? What are your pop culture blind spots?
The following list is by no means exhaustive. Here are several things I refuse to waste my limited brain space on:
1. All things Kardashian
This is difficult because I enjoy ranting about idiots. I’m sure they’re nice girls but I have no time for people who are famous because of their sister’s left ass cheek or whatever. Same goes for most of reality tv (Housewives, Jersey Shore, etc.)
The Trade-off: I have time to watch every movie and television show Azura Skye has ever been in, including two Buffy episodes and most recently, American Horror Story. She’s awesome and has an amazing voice that makes my heart happy. Evidence:
2. Best dressed lists
“Best dressed” means “boring.” If your outfit is deemed aesthetically pleasing by a million people, you’re not trying hard enough. Pick a look. Go with it. If I had a best dressed list, it would include Helena Bonham Carter, Stevie Nicks and Marylin Manson.
Trade-off: I get to enjoy people for the creative masterpieces they are, instead of ranking them or judging them. Rick Genest, better known as Zombie Boy, is a perfect example. He’s tattooed most of his body in skeletal and insect imagery, turning himself into a living zombie. He’s also a successful model who starred in Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” video and a recent Mugler campaign.
3. Christian dogma
I’m not Christian but I do love Christians who are kind and intelligent. I’ve never been interested in Christianity as a religion, but the dogmatic attitude is abundant in our society. I don’t like being told what to do. I don’t trust people who refuse to acknowledge other people’s opinions and beliefs.
The Trade-off: I get to enjoy being an empowered witch and having my own earth-based spiritual practice.
4. Team sports and video games
They’re like another language… a reeeeeally boring language with annoying sounds.
The Trade-off: I am a devoted fan of Frida Kahlo. I’ve read every single book that has been written about her. I could teach a class.
My Frida
5. “Normal” and “supposed to”
“Normal” is a word that doesn’t exist to me because it doesn’t exist in the world. I seriously think it should be pulled from the dictionaries. Don’t you dare tell me I’m “supposed to” do something because that’s what “normal” people do. Nobody is normal. There is no “supposed to.” These are just things that are said by people trying to make you unhappy.
The Trade-off: I get to be free. When you give up the obsession with “normal,” stop competing with people and stop living by other people’s standards you become completely happy and fulfilled. Try it.
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.”
- Bob Marley
6. Babies
No, I don’t want one. No, I will not babysit yours. No, I do not want to hold one. No, I don’t care how many months old it is. Tell your baby to call me when she turns 15 and needs somebody to buy her condoms or introduce her to Kevin Smith movies.
The Trade-off: I get to give birth to myself. Which is the best thing a creative person can do.
7. Nascar/Wrestling/UFC/etc
Don’t get it. Don’t want to. Don’t care. I feel like these things are enjoyed by the kinds of people I don’t enjoy.
The Trade-off: I get to channel my blood lust into horror films, instead of face punches and fiery wrecks.
8. Superhero movies
I didn’t care about the first Spider-Man. I’m not going to care about the thirtieth. (In fact, I don’t care SO much that I had to look up the name “Spider-Man” to find out if it was one word or two.)
The Trade-off: I spend my time searching out movies with strong, female characters who become my own personal superheroes. Movies like Away We Go, Cabaret and Frida.
So there you go. Do you disagree? What do refuse to care about? What does “not caring” make room for in your life?