8 Ways to Recharge Your Creativity

Posted on the 20 January 2024 by Realityarts @realityarts

1. Set your sights. Whether it's a new creative idea, a writing challenge, or simply picking up a new skill, having a goal guides your creative compass. Try something new. There are usually quite a few online challenges for you to sink your teeth into, I will also be sharing a Free 12 week course called 'Kickstart Your Creativity Series' in a couple of weeks so sign up to my course platform to be notified. Sign up HERE

2. Make time for daydreaming. Schedule dedicated brain-sparking sessions. Brainstorm in the morning light, doodle during your lunch break, or let your mind wander after dark. In my latest Arts and Wellness Cafe I look at one of the Words for the Month - Stillness In our stillness we can find treasures.

3. Shake things up. Ditch the familiar. Try a new art form, write with a different voice, or explore a tool you've never touched. New experiences unlock hidden creative talents.

4. Find your inspiration tribe. Soak up the creative energy of others. Follow inspiring artists, attend workshops, or join a local group of fellow dreamers. Join us in the Creative Community on the course platform -

5. Disconnect to reconnect. Sometimes, the best ideas bloom in the quiet. Take a digital detox, go for a nature walk, or lose yourself in a good book. Unplug and let your mind wander. Read that book that you have been promising yourself.

6. Tame the mental chatter. Mindfulness practices like meditation can help you focus and quiet your inner critic. A calm mind is a fertile ground for creativity. Take out your needles and thread and do some slow stitching - You can pick up some inspiration in Material Musings

7. Embrace the unknown. Step outside your comfort zone. Learn a new dance, travel to a new place, or take a class in something totally unfamiliar. New experiences jumpstart innovation.

8. Just start. Perfectionism is the creativity killer. Don't overthink it, just dive in. Pick up a pen, play with some paint supplies, doodle, create with recycled materials, do some slow stitching. The act of creation itself is the magic spark that ignites imagination.

Remember, creativity is a journey, not a destination. Keep experimenting, keep exploring, and keep feeding your curiosity. The well of wonder is always waiting to be refilled, and the greatest creations start with a single step. Now go forth and create!

Check out my course Filling the Creative Well for more creative inspiration