98% of Car Designs Are Crap.

Posted on the 02 January 2012 by Theoutsideviewblog @outsideviewblog

98% of current car designs are crap.

1% of current cars are beautifully designed, but too expensive for 99% of the population.

0,5% of current cars are concept cars that never make it into manufacturing stage, as they are too beautifully designed and probably couldn’t get the ‘must get’ grades from the wind tunnel test.

0,5% of current cars have some hints of mojo in them.

And then there is the new Beetle.

VW Volkswagen Beetle car designs @theoutsideviewblog.com
WV Beetle 1 Design of Cars @theoutsideviewblog

WV Beetle 2 Design of Cars @theoutsideviewblog
WV Beetle 3 Design of Cars @theoutsideviewblog

WV Beetle 4 Design of Cars @theoutsideviewblog

The new Volkswagen Beetle is what the Mini used to be. It is what Mini was back in the days when it was still cool. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the Mini, but it is in a desperate need of something new (and the Mini Convertable just wasn’t what was needed for it to feel fresh again).

I love the new Beetle. We love the new Beetle.

It is just so cool. And yes, cool is good. Cool is in fashion. Cool is the new black.

Beetle is the new Cool.

Amid the extremely unexciting bunch of cars that all look almost the same, the new Volkswagen Beetle manages to  stand out. For now. Lets hope they don’t minify themselves.

What About The VW Beetle Advertising?

Oh, and the new Beetle minisite won the FWA award. Can they do anything wrong?

Lets leave with this. The very cool VW Black Beetle TV commercial with only tid-bit over 5.000.000 hits on Youtube alone.

We also warmly recommend a visit to Youtube for the full Black Beetle experience.

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