A Baseball Dream Come True

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Msadams @HilaryFerrell

A few months ago, my Mom and Dad offered Mr. A and I a pair of their season tickets to the Orioles game for this past Sunday. Being huge baseball fans, we both eagerly snatched up the opportunity. Little did we know that those tickets would help fulfill a lifelong dream of my husband’s.

We headed out to that game on Sunday both really anxious and excited. After decades of being Orioles fans without any glimmer of hope, our team was in a race for first place in the division. If the Orioles won the game against the Yankees, they would have sole possession of first place (something which hasn’t happened this late in the season since like the 1990s). Needless to say, we were both really happy to be at this particular game.

We settled into our seats high above home plate.

Nothing better than this view.

Even though our team wasn’t playing very well, Mr. A was still on cloud nine.

He loves being around baseball—guess it reminds him of a lot of great childhood memories. I thought he couldn’t get any happier.

Until all of a sudden a foul ball made a beeline right to our seats and into Mr. A’s hands. He didn’t even have to reach or grab for it. It just fell on his chest.

Once he gathered his composure and picked his sunglasses off the ground, he plastered an ear to ear grin on his face that didn’t leave for the rest of the day. Soon people from our section started coming over and high fiving him for his awesome catch. This continued on for pretty much the rest of the game. He was like the resident celebrity for the day.

In all of the games that we’ve been to together and individually, neither one of us has ever caught a foul ball. The even stranger part is that we’ve sat in these seats numerous times and have never even seen a foul ball get close.

Guess the ball was just meant for him (which semi-justifies the fact that he willing kept a foul tip off A rod’s bat).

The ball has become his new favorite treasure. I caught him throwing it around our apartment several times yesterday.

I guess I will have to let it slide—it’s hard to contain your excitement when a lifelong dream comes true.