It is the evening of my wonderful husbands 26th birthday. We've had a lovely day celebrating but we've also had to do lots of preparation for another big day (or week) in our lives.. tomorrow morning at the rather scary hour of 2.30am we will be getting up and traveling to the airport for a week in Rhodes, Greece! Exciting!! I won the trip at Brit Mums Live earlier this year and am still in shock that it was me who won. We feel so lucky and so grateful to be able to go, it really means so much to us.
Today we went for hot chocolate in town and to Next to take back some of the stuff that Adam had received for his birthday but in the wrong size. We also ate out at Prezzo this evening - which was lovely. Prezzo is Adams favorite place to eat. We had such a lovely time together and had one or two (or maybe three!) excited discussions about tomorrow and what our holiday will be like.
We are all so excited and have finally finished packing.. (finally!!). I have a few posts scheduled in so won't be completely abandoning blogging for the week. I'm sure I will also be active over on Instagram if you want to see what we get up to: @alexbumptobaby
Speak when I'm back (and hopefully tanned! - I can hope right?!).. ;) x

Packing .. complete!

How gorgeous is my new Victoria Green wash bag? It's huge too! It fits so much in and has lots of little handy compartments! £12 from Debenhams!

E was very good at helping me unpack, bless him..

"Ooh what's in here Mummy?!".......

......."Aha! A hat!"

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