Creativity Magazine

A Bitter Pill To Swallow

Posted on the 24 September 2015 by Tarbinator @asthehosptuRNs

It’s payday tomorrow.

While I used to get very excited about payday, I have to admit, these days it’s just nothing to write home about.

Leaving California not only meant leaving behind the exorbitant cost of living, but leaving some of the highest nurse wages in the country. I am now earning less than I did when I first graduated nursing school back in December of 2008.

I’m earning 67% less than I was back in California. Ouch.

And I’m still having a hard time getting accustomed to that.

I keep telling myself that when I earn my Master’s Degree in Nursing, things will turn around. I SHOULD be able to command a higher salary, right? I certainly hope I’m not incurring thousands and thousands of dollars of new debt for nothing. That scares me. I’m just feeling a bit sad, knowing that my pay really isn’t reflective of my work right now, but hey, what can I do? Quit? Not likely. I have it MADE. I only work TWO NIGHTS PER WEEK. Where else can I go and have a fantastic schedule like that? Okay, okay….

My wonderful husband keeps a positive spin on things, reminding me that ANY income coming in is more than was coming in before I went back to work, so there’s that. He also reminds me that I even shared with him that going back to work in my dream niche of Women’s Health and Postpartum wasn’t initially about money at all, but going back to the bedside and being truly happy about my work.

He’s right.

Damn it. He’s right.

So, I will just keep plugging away, taking care of those new mamas and babies and putting a smile on my face every night I go in to work. I get to practice my profession in a corner of nursing that I truly do enjoy. That has to be worth more than the numbers on my check. Right?

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