A Bollard, Cannon and Four Wonderful People...

Posted on the 02 October 2011 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

We are back in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea at the National Army Museum on the very beautiful Royal Hospital Road SW3.
Here (top picture) we have a rather average stone bollard that has a square base that tapers inwards and forms an octagonal top. We can see on the left an eyelet so a chain may be placed connecting to adjacent bollards. On the front of the bollard we can see a plate with the letter 'H' which informs members of the London Fire Brigade of a 'H'ydrant/water supply if needed in an emergency.
Now take a close look at the '68pdr Smooth Bore Iron Gun of Cwt, 1858' (above) which is on display outside the entrance to the National Army Museum (click for link to museum). Have you noticed how the body of the cannon (gun) looks very similar to the many bollards we find dotted/planted all over the capital/country. We shall take a closer look at the history of the London bollard over many of the future posts on this blog/site.
Finally I would like to say a big hello to all those pictured below who happened to be a fare in my taxi-cab on Saturday evening. We got chatting and somehow I managed to mention 'Bollards of London' and what followed was a very pleasant, funny even comical taxi-cab journey. So once again I would like to thank all of you in the picture below and hope you enjoy noticing these rather interesting if not forgotten pieces of street furniture.
I do love the way they are all posing and touching a Bermondsey Street bollard.

Bollards of London...