A Conscious Balancing Act

Posted on the 31 January 2019 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Step with care and great tact. And remember life's a great balancing act.
Dr. Seuss

Life's always a balancing act, right? I started the New Year away from home, as I accompanied my son back to campus and spent four days there. It was wonderful, what with the cold weather and the doing nothing much, other than living in the moment, enjoying the little things, barely looking at the phone except to call home, eating, sleeping, walking, binge-ing on our favorite shows and generally having a good time.

I arrived back home on the fifth, refreshed, happy and all set to take on the year.

January turned out to be a month of visitors and outings, accidents, some work, decluttering, a lot of stress over stuff gone wrong, chasing payments, cooking, and the loss of a close friend's mother.

Sure, there were bright spots to balance it all off . . . but it was a bit tough to stay focused on the good stuff because I am still dealing with things as yet unsorted. How annoying it is when some situations simply hijack our day! Sigh.

All said and done, I am going with the mantra "this, too, shall pass" and carrying on, because what has to be faced has to be faced, eh? Life is like that!

Visitors and outings

We had guests-some welcome and some . . . not so much. What is life if not some rough with the smooth? Isn't that how we learn to appreciate what we have? And so we took it in our stride. The welcome guests were fun. We had some nice outings-shopping, sight-seeing, conversations, lunches, dinners. We visited the Vishweshwaraya Technological museum and the Government museum that's next door to it. Both excellent places to visit, for both adults and children. Pleasant times. Our guests have left and we're trying "normal" again. Grateful for these interludes and relationships.


On the day we went shopping, just as soon as we set out, I tripped and had a lousy fall with some nasty injuries. Still recovering. What seemed unbearable was my new phone breaking. The entire screen just cracked like a "+" with some splintering at the base. Sigh. It is now a constant reminder to be careful. I thought I'd get the screen replaced, but when I found out how much it would cost, I dropped the idea. *Shuddering*. Just replaced the screen guard-grateful the phone is still functional.

The first few days were difficult and I moved minimally-only for essential stuff and spent the rest of the time reading as the swelling in the legs had to come down. Three books in four days. *Grinning* Grateful to my folks for passing on the love of reading. Nothing like a crime thriller to take your mind off things.

Still limping around-knee and elbow injuries are the most painful, and the cold weather and being diabetic are not helping. The sprains and muscle pulls are better now. Hoping to recover very soon. One of the wounds got infected and ... ugh! Life does go on though! What am I grateful for? That I didn't break anything (the phone doesn't count, according to my husband), that I didn't break my glasses or kiss the ground, that I am still able to move around, even though I am slower, that I am able to cook. Laugh at jokes. Be at home. Long gratitude list. Can't wait to get back to walking daily-I really can't afford to miss that for too long!


Last week, I received the sad news that my best friend's mom passed away. I felt miserable. I've known her for as long as I've known my friend - about 45 years and the loss hurts. But life must go on and I am glad she passed away peacefully in her sleep. Still, how can one get over the loss of a mother-figure? Time does not always heal. It just helps us accept what we cannot change. I feel blessed I knew her. That's what I am telling myself now as I grieve.


On the work front, I wrapped up the editing on a couple of manuscripts and started working on a new one. Of all the work I've enjoyed this one is second on my list of favorites, with blogging being right on top. I feel so fortunate to work with wonderful people and cherish my long association with them. And I feel doubly grateful that I work from home!

Special thanks

By the way, thanks to all those who kindly voted for me for the Asian Fitness & Wellness Blogs 2018. Didn't make it - but your support feels good!

As always, special thanks to Vanita for always encouraging me and being there to listen, no matter what. ♥

Incidentally, I was featured on Beyondtype2's Instagram account.

I am excited to be associated with them and look forward to contributing to their site. One of my goals as a type 2 Diabetic is to raise awareness and show people that it is possible to live a good quality life no matter how long you've had the condition. If you or someone you know has diabetes, feel free to share your story here.

That's not all for January, but I'll sign off here. I am looking forward to a better February!

You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know.
You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact and
remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.
Dr. Seuss

Yes, feeling very Dr.Seuss-y!

Send me some good vibes. And make me laugh.


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