I'm a right nosey sod. I'll admit it. So, I really love it when bloggers tell me aaall about what they had for breakfast that day. Sad huh? But then again, maybe you're all as nosey as I am.
So here's how my day last Friday went for you.
5.00am. Alarm goes off, I consider how cold it is, whether it's light yet and if I reeeally have to get up yet up for a few minutes and finally get up about 5.10am
5.20am. Bottle feed a hungry lamb.
5.45am. Fully dressed in my work shirt, black jeans and boots. I make myself several cups of tea and devour some Weetabix with a sliced banana. Nom.
6.00am. Leave for work. My car is freezing, so I'm a shivering wreck until I get far enough down the road for my engine to warm up and I then put my heating on full blast.
6.45am. I arrive in Carmarthen, park my car, and walk to work, sometimes picking up a coffee from Spar if I get there early enough to drink it. The only other people about this time of morning are Taxi Drivers. We're all on first name terms.
7.05am. Start work. This means unloading a lorry full of totes of stuff into the store and dividing it between clothing and accessories. This job is a lot more fun when it isn't raining. I then unpack everything, security tag it, and put it out onto the shop floor for people to buy. This usually takes all morning. Today the light had broken in the tiny stockroom where I work, so the pale blinking temp light made the whole experience a lot freakier.
11.00am. I go off in serach of lunch. Find an awesome sandwich/salad bar in the market. They do my favorite skinny hazelnut latte for half the price of Costa. Win.
I spent my lunch hour telling anyone who'd listen how awesome my chicken tikka baguette was, then proceeded to feel really ill and complained that they'd given me food poisoning all afternoon.
12.00pm. Back to work! I spend the after noon tidying clothes on rails, moving stock around so it looks prettier, and explaining to irate customers that they definitely can't get a refund on their suede shoes because they have water stains from the rain.
4.00pm. Freedom! I practically skip over to the carpark, and start on my drive home. The route involves a lot of narrow beny roads. Today, a charming boy racer decides to over take me, then fails to overtake the next car so jumps in front of and nearly gives me a close up of his rear bumper. I later find him half embedded in a hedge having tried to dodge a tractor. True story. Karma huh?
4.45pm. I arrive home, make some tea, bottle feed the lamb if my Mum hasn't already done so, scrounge for biscuits and sometimes have a nap if I didn't get much sleep the night before. 5am starts take their toll y'know!
6.00pm. If I didn't take a nap I would have started reading all the new posts in my Bloglovin' feed, cup of tea in hand. I then reply to emails, facebook comments, RT a few people, and save a load of new blog post ideas to my drafts.
7.00pm. Dinner time! Omnomnom. This rarely happens at a table. Usually I hold the plate in one hand, fork in the other, and curl up on the sofa and watch an episode of Gossip Girl or a film on my laptop. My life is so exciting.
8.00pm. I will now either write up one of the drafts I saved earlier, write an essay or something similar for college. If I'm not in the writing mood, I'll read a few chapters of whatever book I'm reading at the time. Last week it was Wide Sargasso Sea. This week it's The Tiger's Wife.
9.00pm. If it's a Thursday, I'll be in a local wine bar for pub quiz night. I LOVE quizzes. Occasionally, I'll forgo everything previous and stay in Carmarthen to go out to the Student Union or around to a friend's to watch old tv shows. Father Ted is a firm favorite.
10.00pm. After a 5am start, this is usually bed time for me. On days when I have the much more agreeable start of 10am - I'll be up past midnight, blogging, watching Gossip Girl or having long phone conversations with my Northern friend.
Has anyone else noticed how my life currently revolves around Gossip Girl? Obsessed. Happily though, I'm on season five, so I'm nearly done and can go back to having a social life again. Super duper.
How about you guys? What does your day look like?