A Day in the Life

Posted on the 15 October 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

Back before I had Isla, my day-to-day routine was pretty straightforward: Get up, go to work, come home. Now that she’s entered into my life, my schedule is all over the place and totally revolves around her. Here’s what Friday looked like for me:

5 am. - Kyle crawls back into bed for 20 minutes before he has to go to work. He asks me how I’ve slept and if Lovey was down for the whole night, both are answered with “Yes.” (Yay!)

5:20 am- Kyle kisses me goodbye as he leaves for work.

6:30 am -  I hear Isla start to whine over the baby monitor. It’s sporadic, so I lay in bed for a few minutes and then get up around 6:40. She’s not making any noise, so I let Daphne outside, make my coffee and grab the newspaper. I can hear Isla sucking her thumb, not making a fuss, so I take a chance at eating a bowl of cereal.

7 am - Isla is now steadily crying, so I let Campbell out of his crate and out for a pee before I get Isla out of her crib. I say good morning to her and ask her if she had sweet dreams, to which she responds with a big, goofy smile, and then I change her diaper.

7:15 am - I get settled to nurse Isla for her “breakfast.” This consists of “setting up” on the couch in the living room: nursing pillow, receiving blanket, coffee, morning news on the TV. Lucky for me she can latch on with little to no assistance these days, so I can start this blog post I also decide that I’m tired of the green color on my blog, and so I start to refresh its look. (Not to be confused with redesigned, because I’m not that awesome)

7:50 am - Isla seems to be done the first half of her breakfast as she’s fast asleep in my lap.

8:35-8:40 am - I gently move Isla off of my lap so I can feed the dogs, but she wakes up. After feeding the dogs, I feed Isla the 2nd “half” of her breakfast.

9:30 am - Isla FINALLY finishes eating, and I haven’t accomplished much in updating the look of my blog. Now contemplating hopping in the shower since Isla seems to be asleep.

9:45 am - Isla wakes up. My window to shower in peace has closed.

9:55 am - Decide to chance it and toss Isla into her crib so I can shower. If I don’t do it now, it will never happen.

10:25 am - Finished showering, getting dressed, etc. Isla’s still happily in her crib, playing away, so I pull something out for dinner.

10:30-10:45 am - I hear Isla fill up her diaper, so it’s time for her to get dressed for the day. She spits up all over herself, luckily after I take off her sleeper, so I wipe her down and dry her off. It’s bath night tonight, so I’m not too worried about how bad she smells today. I put her down into her crib to see if she’ll have a nap.

She thinks she’s SO funny when she throws up all over herself!

10:55 am - No luck on the nap. She just wants to hang out, so I put her in her swing and she watches TV with me. There is nothing on TV, but we end up watching Restaurant: Impossible. Robert Irvine is an ENORMOUS man.

11:10 am - She falls asleep in her swing. I contemplate what on earth to do with my time and opt to make spaghetti sauce for the crock pot.

At Kyle’s request, it’s spaghetti for dinner! My house smells amazing as a result.

11:50 am - I finished getting dinner in the crock pot, and just in time too as Isla seems to be waking up. I’m going to attempt to eat some lunch before she really wakes up and wants to have her own lunch. I decided to give Isla some tummy time while I ate and she quite enjoyed herself:

Not too long after I took this, she pushed off the arm of the couch and did a face plant into the cushion. Thank goodness she was facing towards the middle of the couch instead of the floor!

12:27 pm - After “letting her cry” for about 5 minutes, it gets more and more intense and I figure Isla’s pretty hungry. Lunch time for Isla!

1:05 pm - She’s done eating, so I attempted to put her down for a nap since she seemed to be sleeping. As soon as I put her down – SUPRISE!! Eye wide open. Ugh. I grabbed the baby monitor, went and got the mail, pulled in the garbage & recycling bins, and now we’re watching Ellen on the couch.

3 pm - Isla has had a power nap after watching a bit of Ellen, and now she’s watching me blog and browse the interwebs while sitting in my lap. I’ve also learned that between the time Ellen is over and until about 5 pm when the early news comes on, there is nothing on TV.

4:10 pm - It’s time for Isla’s “dinner.” I realize I’ve done pretty much nothing today and I must seem like a really boring person to ya’ll.

5:50 pm - Isla finished eating. No, she didn’t eat for almost 2 hours straight. She powered out and had a nap in between. Now we await the arrival of my mom!

6:10 pm - My mom arrives for a visit and to give Isla her bath! It’s not that I can’t bathe my daughter, it’s just that Isla loves it when my mom gives her a bath!

6:45 pm - After having a little visit, spitting up all over herself, and pooping up and out of her diaper, it’s officially bathtime for Isla. Daphne also makes her way into our tiny guest bathroom and “helps” with bath time.

Isla loves watching Daphne from the tub!

6:50 pm - Campbell starts to mope since it’s getting close to his dinner time. I kindly remind him that he still has 40 minutes.

7 pm - Bath time is over and Isla is all ready for bed! I’m guessing that she’s going to need to be changed out of her sleeper at least once since she’s a puke machine. Amazingly, she only needed one outfit change all day today! Very rarely does this happen, so I’m pretty stoked on that.

7:20 pm - Kyle texts me and says that they’re running late. I’m starving, so I decide to go ahead and have dinner without him. My pasta sauce is delicious, IMHO.

7:30 pm - It’s feeding time at the OK Corral. Daphne spazzes out while I give Campbell his food, and Campbell patiently/droolingly waits for me to give him the signal that it’s okay to eat his dinner. Only a couple of drool strands fall while I take his photos before I tell him to eat!

It’s hard to tell in this photo, but there are two HUGE drool strands coming off of his mouth.

8 pm - Kyle arrives home from work! He eats dinner while my mom and I just hang out with Isla and watch “Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta.”

8:45 pm - My mom decides to head home for the evening, and I get ready to give Isla her “bedtime snack” at 9 pm. I hope that when she’s all done she’ll go right to bed.

10 pm - Kyle heads to bed and I try to put Isla down into her crib as she seems to be asleep. No such luck! Her eyes pop WIDE open and she starts thrashing her legs about. I pick her up and we snuggle in the gliding chair to get her to go back to sleep.

10:30 pm - Success! Isla is asleep, and I go to bed.

Wow, my life is a snore-fest!