A Day in the Life – Friday

Posted on the 25 October 2013 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo

Woah. I made it. I have posted every day of this week and kept up with Kerry’s awesome Day in the Life series.

This is despite the fact that I am bone tired. Talk about a busy week. And it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.

It’s almost 9pm here right now and as soon as I’ve scheduled this post I am SO  going to bed. So let’s get this party started.


I LOVE Fridays. We still have our mother’s group almost every single Friday even though our kids are all over 2. I think this is unusual for mother’s groups but is probably indicative of the area we live in. This is a real family oriented beach side relaxed lifestyle location. Many of the mums do admin work for the family business which allows them to stay home and work. Others have returned to work but only part-time. I think in cities you probably see more of the full time return to work mum as they are more career focussed and/or are feeling more of a financial strain from a higher initial wage. Many of the mums here now have second babies so they are off work again anyway. Whatever the reason it works for me as I love our mum’s group. It’s a great group of kids and a great group of mums.

Monkey pulled someone’s hair again today which was frustrating. He did it last week too after hiatus that was so long I thought the stage was over. He understands that he shouldn’t do it. We even talked about it before going today.

Me: “We are going to Alex’s today Monkey”

Monkey: “No pull Alex hair”

Me: “That’s right. Good boy. No pull Alex hair”

Monkey: “It’s naughty”

Me: “Yes it’s naughty and it’s mean. We don’t want to be mean to people. It’s not nice. You don’t like it if people are mean to you. It makes you sad. So please be a good boy today for Mummy”

Monkey: “Sharing toys”

Me: “That’s right, sharing toys. Good boy”

So he gets it. He really gets it. Both weeks it happened right near the end when he was closer to his nap time so it could be that tiredness means he is less in control of the temptation when he is frustrated. I’m really not sure. I’m just going to keep watching and doing my best as a mama.  It is definitely an improvement of where we were at a few months ago when I posted this post so I should just be grateful for the progress. Still, it’s frustrating and stresses me out.


We left group at around 12:30pm and Monkey fell asleep in the car on the way home (great!). He transferred into bed and I got down to doing some work AGAIN. What I really wanted to do was have a nap but I needed to get a few things out of the way first. I was sure I was going to squeeze a quick nap in but it didn’t happen. Monkey woke early today. It just wasn’t to be.

We spent the afternoon in again today. I was so tired I actually thought I’d try putting on a kids movie to see if Monkey was taken in by it. We tried Cars first. Big fat no. For some reason he doesn’t like that show which is totally weird as he loves cars. Anyway. So then we tried Monsters Inc and he seemed to like that one. He didn’t sit and watch it all but he lasted for a bit and we got to have some chill out time so that was good. We ate some crackers on the couch together and had cuddles. It was fun.


It was our standard evening routine tonight. Monkey asked me to sit down near his door again which I agreed to but said I needed to go and get my phone first. I dawdled and did a few other things and he didn’t call out so the separation thing seems to be working well now. Yay! I’m so relieved.

I did a couple more work things (yes AGAIN) and now I’m writing this post. The weekend is pretty busy as I am cleaning the house tomorrow and doing some other stuff to get organised for my trip before my mum and aunt arrive in the evening. Sunday is spending time with them and Monkey which should be a really nice day. It will be nice to have some of the pressure off finally (aside from packing on Monday of course).

Best thing about today? Mother’s group. Hands down.

That’s all from me for the week. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my posts as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing my days with you. I’m looking forward to reading some of the other days in this series. Make sure you let me know in the comments if you are posting too.

This time next week (when you are actually reading this post – remember I’m writing a week in advance – I will actually be in the Napa Valley celebrating my friend’s 30th birthday and my brother’s 29th birthday. There will be wine. Lots and lots of wine. And good times. And great stories. I can’t wait.

Signing off at 9:15pm ready for some shut eye before our busy weekend. Goodnight!