A Different View

Posted on the 25 January 2012 by Elizabethwix

I so rarely get over to the East Side where I get to look at buildings from a different angle.

A water tower. Workmen doing important things on the roof.


A building with a great deal of grass

and the tress of Union Square glimpsed through the jungle of buildings.

I go to tea with my friend the artist Margaret Gosden and we chat about books and art and techie apps like Camerabag, OldphotoPRO, Hipstermatic and Colorsplash and all the fun things that purists despise (and I enjoy).

Margaret's fern rendered antique!

One of her prints with a lot of the colors taken out

and quite a lot put back in.....

What fun we have!

On the way home I go to the post office at Union Station

and find that the side door is a sort of metaphor for the state of the poor old PO...