This weekend I had an incident where someone said something to me that at the time I thought was an innocent remark. Then, about 10 minutes later, after I was no longer around the person, I was like wait a minute, what did they mean by that? Was that a dig??? Now I am a bit ticked off.
I'm not going to go into detail of what was said. That's not the point of the post. The point of the post is how annoying it is to be on the receiving end of a passive aggressive comment. If the person was direct about what there issue was I could have addressed it. I could have either clarified or defended my position. Apologies, if needed, could have been said and we all could move on. But instead I am left wondering was that a dig or was it all in my head? If it was a dig how do I address it? If it was a dig I wish I'd have realized it in the moment so that I could have responded appropriately.
As I am an admitted passive aggressive type I should take this experience as a life lesson. While I am not in the habit of slighting or getting in digs on people I don't often address things head on. This should serve as a reminder that not addressing things often leads to more misunderstandings and resentments.
Have you ever had a similar experience where after the fact you realized someone was getting in a dig at your expense? What did you do about it? Did you say anything after the fact or just let it go?