A Double Century

Posted on the 15 June 2013 by C. Suresh
What with the heat in Delhi keeping me for walking and a trek that will demand a lot from my lungs and legs, I feel woefully ill-prepared. So, in the spirit of the times, I shall do a virtual walk through my blogging days and assume that it shall help me in my all too real trek.
I know it is customary to do this 'blogging journey' post on the anniversary of the blog. The issue is confused for me, however, as is most of my life. Having started blogging in 2009 and written 21 posts with no more readership than my own eager visits to see if anyone had actually come around - yes, I was tracking my own page-views those days - I summarily abandoned blogging and re-started only in 2012 when I joined Indiblogger and started blogging in real earnest. Now, which of those dates is the anniversary date and how many years should I consider? The question is too burdensome and, thus, I am doing my walk through my blogging in my 200th post.
The shade more than a year of active blogging has been very kind to me. I always thought I wrote humor but invariably failed to laugh at any of my own posts when reading them. It was nice to know that there were a lot of others in the world who considered what I wrote humorous. There were so many kind people in the world coming around to comment on my posts that I even was enthused into indexing my posts. The tags on top of the blog - Humor, TreksNTravels, Fiction, Philosophy, Others - lead you to the indexes of that classification of posts. The fact is that - bar Philosophy - almost all my posts are written in what I consider my humorous style. Posts under Others, sub-classified as Blogging are mostly related to blog awards and have a surfeit of biographical information - so much so I never felt the need to ever write the customary "About Me' section.
Blogging also lead me to write for a few short story contests and, now, I have a short story published in the collection "Uff Ye emotions". What is more, a social media ignoramus like me now owns up to a Facebook page for my blog - Life is Like This. I am yet to go beyond into the uncharted waters of Twitter and all but, who knows, where else blogging will take me?
The best part of blogging for me is that it has brought me in touch with wonderful people. Meeting bloggers regularly in Bangalore and, now, finding bloggers in other cities like Delhi making the effort to meet is such a warm feeling.
From the day I started blogging again in 2012, blogging has taken me - in real life as well - through different and exciting paths. I look forward to more of it in the days to come. If, in the meantime, I have given a few of my readers a few enjoyable moments at least, I can hope that some of you will be with me on that journey to make things altogether more appealing.