A Double Whammy

Posted on the 19 February 2013 by Sara Maurer @smaurer18
There are two link-ups I really wanted to participate in today, so, I decided to load them both into one post.  I decided it's ok if I did this because, well, it's my blog. ;-) haha
First, I'm linking up with my gal pals Lauren and Tiffany for Tuesday topics.  Today's topic is three stores.
This should be fairly easy, considering my taste lately. ;-)
[Old Navy]I've found tons of cute tops and jeans at ON recently.  Plus, flip flop season is right around the corner, and we all know ON has basically every color imanginable.  Awesome.
[Amazon]I know this isn't really a 'store'...but, it's one of my favorite places to shop!  Amazon has everything my little heart desires: movies; clothes; fabric for photo props; Kindle accessories; eBooks, real books...c'mon...what doesn't Amazon have to offer?!
[Best Buy]Ok, don't judge me here, but, Best Buy is one of my absolute favorite stores.  I could look at TVs, cameras, and computer crap forever.  Plus, they have tons of movies and CDs to choose from too.  I love me some Best Buy goodness! ;-)
This next link-up sounded fun, so how could I not participate?  I'm joining Sar, Alexa, Lo and Jena for "Truth be told, I'm lion."  For this one, I list three things, and you try to guess which ones are truths and which ONE is the lie.  Fun, huh?
1.  I currently have a hole in the sole of my shoe, but, I hate shopping for work shoes, so I just choose to ignore its presence.
2.  I really dislike blueberry muffins.  I think they are nasty, but, I still eat them if they are made because I don't want to come across as rude.
3.  I don't really like to wear jewelry.  I wear a watch and my wedding/engagement rings.  That's the extent of it.

If you guessed #2 as the lie, you are totally right.  I'll eat the crap out of blueberry muffins.  The batter alone is heavenly.  YUM!
As for #1, yes, I know, this is laziness at its finest.  But, I loathe shopping for work shoes.  I don't know why...but, it's the truth.
And for #3, well, I used to wear more jewelry, but, it just seemed like too much to put on in the mornings.  ;-)
Happy Tuesday, peeps.  Have a good one!