Random topic Tuesday updates for my wonderful readers:) Let’s see, I called this month Januweary because I have been sick and rehabilitating my paralyzed dachshund. At first, that sounds horrible, and it was. If you are a dog lover then you know how important these animals are. I spent a good amount of time crying during the first few days of trying to get used to her new condition mostly because I felt so helpless. Nothing could really cheer me up, and my sweet daddy even came over and brought me soup my mom made, Greek soup that a friend used to make me, and he bought a penguin shaped cookie container. Then, HGTV called me and that was very exciting to think about for a while, but it didn’t change what was going on in my life.
We took our little dog to the vet numerous times and I researched every possible scenario. We decided on crate rest and medicine. There are several good sites out there for help though, so look here for help. At first, I did not notice much improvement. However, gradually she started acting a bit like her old self. I made her a sling for her back and I learned how to let her know she needed to go to the bathroom. I just kept repeating “I can do this for her” in my head. If you are a geek, it was kind of like the way Daenerys Targaryen repeats “if I look back, I am lost” to herself…you get my meaning. I can’t think of what was. I can only think of right now.
Each night I do doggie physical therapy. My husband tries not to laugh as I do this and of course, I might make it a bit humorous as I ask her about her day, etc. Tonight, my girls squealed with glee as they fed her dinner because it appeared she was getting stronger in one leg. The vet did say that the dogs learn to adapt and throw their weight in different spots, but this appeared to be more than that. We can’t say for certain, but all I know is that she can still wag her tail and she seems to have more spunk.
Lastly, I got the e-mail from HGTV and our family was not chosen at this time; however, I believe everything happens for a reason. I couldn’t leave her now because I am making progress and that’s what is meant to happen.
“All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.