A Fit, Healthy Body—the Best Fashion Statement!!

Posted on the 11 July 2013 by Jasminebhatia @jas_mine7
Gone are the days when people did not care about their appearance,  Fashion and Fitness were alien words for  a lot of people till a long time untill now…when everyone wants to feel and look their best.
I remember as a child my mom used to take me to a park and would leave me to play with other kids and go for a jog herself, her circle of ladies would mock her as to what difference would it make now…no one bothers once you are married and have kids…so, why so much effort into something that is not important.
Many years later, now those ladies who used to mock her are doing the same thing and now they all know why my mother paid so much attention to fitness back then. Now they realize that with fitness not only does your body start to look great, but it also releases a chain of chemical reactions inside it that make you feel a lot better. Your mood improves dramatically, and you feel more calm and refreshed. Hence any tension flies out of the window.
Now a days the trend has completely changed, earlier fitness and gyming  were only considered for men and were often mistaken as body building  but not anymore…Today men and women are more aware and are more conscious about their health and appearance then ever…However, even though people are more aware about their health and spend a lot of time working out I still feel that people often don't realize the importance of the right kind of gym gear while working out.  For this reason many sports brands are spreading their wings in the Indian Market and speaking of that how can I forget about the buzz creating sports movie of the year “Bhaag Milkha Bhaag” It’s a movie that promotes sportsmanship and Jabong has collaborated with the movie promotions and has come up with a whole new range called Bhaag Milkha Bhaag Exclusive Sports Collection which showcases sports wear , accessories and exercise gears.
A fit, healthy body—the best fashion statement!!
It is very important to keep in mind a few factors to look great even while working out:
1.  Dress fashionably as well as functionally :
Always go for dry-fit clothing that absorbs sweat, like T-shirts, track pants and shorts. Don’t forget to carry your shoes in a gym bag and change into them at the gym, as walking in those shoes before hitting the gym is unhygienic. A sports bra is a must for women and they should always tie their hair if it's long.
2. Right Mood:
One thing we all need to keep in mind is that even at our best shape, we all have different body types and skin tones. Not all cuts and colors will be flattering on us and we should not wear something for the mere fact that it’s fashionable and the season’s newest trend/color. Wear something that is comfortable, hugs your body and gives you a feel good factor. Wearing colourful clothes to the gym also sets your mood for exercise and motivates you.
3. Let your skin breathe :
While working out it is extremely important to wear something that lets your skin breathe. Go for lighter fabrics and wear whatever makes you comfortable and avoid anything that restricts blood circulation.
And for these, Jabong is the right place for all your fashion needs :)
Check out some of my favorites : Puma track pants, White Cotton tee, Pink tee, Gym bag, Men's gray shorts, Puma Track SuitExercise gloves

Fitness and Fashion are not the things which are poles apart but infact they both go hand in hand. One can look like a million bucks with the right gym wear even while sweating out JOn these end notes I remember a famous quote from Marilyn Monroe, “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." I say, give a person a healthy body and spirit and the right clothes and anyone can conquer the world!
This post is written for blog contest by Jabong.com, online shopping store in India on the occasion of unveiling their exclusive Sports Collection inspired by the movie Bhaag Milkha Bhaag.