“A Fool’s Heart is in His Mouth…”

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Nasehamushtaq

Loving the people you REALLY love limitessly and not getting the same amount of it back from them too, really hurts. It is worse if you’re the one with a heart that is so astonishingly soft and loving that you’re always the first one to fall in love with people long before they start acknowledging you for what you are.

Sometimes, you wonder, what is the use of giving your affections to people first, then being betrayed or hurt by them and then trying to wipe them off your mind? Everyone tells you not to trust people so readily, but how can you help it if you’ve got such a foolish heart?

With a foolish heart, you can either love even those who hate you or you can start being overly suspicious of everyone you came in contact with. Which way is the right way? Either you are blessed with a good sense of judgment of character or you’re not. There’s no in-between. Those who are not blessed with good judgement, for them it is usually one of the two situations: they’re lucky that the people they meet are trstworthy or they aren’t. I ask – is this fair for the latter?