A Glittery Play Date

Posted on the 14 January 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Glitter Playdough

Today the girls are having one of their friends from school over. Yes they are very excited about having a play-date. I made glitter play dough late last night and they have no idea, it is going to be a great surprise for all three girls. Yesterday I tidied and did a lot of work, still heaps more to do but got a lot done. Now to put finishing touches on things. Wish I made it to the shops yesterday but maybe we can go this afternoon. Hope that we have enough for the play date, think it will be o.k.

Think the weather will be o.k but if not the kids can play in the living room. Have you had many play dates these holidays? Have not had any? Rather go to the park? Parks and kids is easier as they have more space. What activities if you have had play dates did you organize for the kids or did you let them run and create their own fun. I usually let them create their own fun but the girls want to play with play dough.

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