And alas, neither am I rich enough to be able to get staff to do stuff at the click of a finger (or mouse).
So consequently I live in a perpetual mess state of discontentment about the lack of gleam in my home and my own inability to shift myself to do something about it. The ideas are there aplenty, it's just the follow-through that's lacking.
And I'm not alone it seems.
Boy Three proudly announced that he'd tidied up his bedroom, and would I come and see it.

Translation: T-shirts, trousers and PJs, with helpful drawings too.
Translation: wall
His little face was so full of pride and expectation as he explained that at school they had labels on everything and it helped to keep things tidy. Thus, full of fast phonics, he decided to apply the same logic to his room. With permanent marker. On everything.I think we'll live with this version of tidy for a bit.
Meanwhile, though I got asked to review products from a company called Wallpops. Wallpops are stickers - vinyl probably but I've no idea exactly what vinyl is - that you bung up everywhere until you're bored and then either take them down or bung them somewhere else.
Ideal for a quick 'tidy up'.
They are also useful too. Some are even write-on wipe-off versions of helpful things like shopping lists and calendars.

Our downstairs loo now includes a large map of the world with a pen for me to mark on all the places I want to go this year.

I call making travel plans in the smallest room an excellent use of multi-tasking.
I've also added some mirrored stickers to the stairs to take my mind off how threadbare the stair carpet has become ... and how I have yet to apply myself to the tedious business of replacing it.

So thanks to Wall Pops for some excellent stickers which are perfect for my home - and for anyone else who is too idle or impatient to effect any other kind of DIY. Plus some of them are just gorgeous.
There are hundreds of designs to choose from and lots of them are nice and large. They are easy to apply without even much in the way of instruction reading.
I'm just off to see if there are any Wall Pop stickers to, erm, tidy up Boy Three's tidying.