Self Expression Magazine

A Lesson from History…

Posted on the 31 July 2013 by Jairammohan

Setting: 3100 BC, ancient Sumerian civilization

Person: Hammu, a farmer

One fine day Hammu cleans up his granary where he stores all the cereals. Given that the granary is quite large and Hammu has no help, he rarely ever cleans the far corner of his granary. But today is different, as he is about to sow a large harvest and feels that the entire granary is required to store his cereals.

He suddenly notices that the wall surrounding the far corner has had a water leak due to the incessant rains and the flooding of the river. Consequently the cereals stored there have fermented due to the excess moisture. He cannot use them for anything.

Just out of curiosity, he tastes the fermented cereal. “Wait a minute, this tastes quite good. Maybe I can make something out of this mess after all.

After a couple of more months of experimenting with more fermented cereals and adding and removing a few ingredients from the same, Hammu comes up with a wonderful beverage – Beer.

Of course it wasn’t called beer then, but since we don’t really know what he called it then. Let us call it beer.


Setting: 9th century Ethiopia

Person: Kaldi, a goatherder

For the past two weeks, 8-10 of Kaldi’s goats had been behaving weirdly. While the rest of the goats walked in an orderly manner, these goats kept jumping out of line, kept prancing around and also playfully goaded the other goats. While this was not very troublesome, Kaldi’s skills lay in the fact that he managed to keep his goats under control, and a few funny goats could end up corrupting the discipline of the other goats. He seriously needed to get these goats under control.

Today, he had decided to follow these goats very carefully during their grazing. He wanted to see if they were eating or drinking anything different from the rest of the herd which made them behave differently. And yes, his suspicions were correct. These goats were eating from a particular plant which Kaldi had not noticed before.

He took a few seeds of the plant and tried chewing on them after he got home. They were bitter and he put them away and forgot all about them. A few days later his young daughter found these seeds. Not knowing what to do with them, she put her new found cooking skills to test. She boiled some water, crushed these seeds and put them in the boiling water. Finally after the dark brown brew boiled, she took some in a cup and drank it. The ‘kick’ she experienced was like nothing before.

Lo and behold, coffee was discovered.


Setting: 2013, somewhere in the United States

Person: Some random researchers looking for a topic for their paper submissions

These articles [Link to article] [Link to article 2]talks about how drinking a couple of beers helps you improve your ability to think creatively and come up with an initial brilliant idea. It then goes on to talk about how some coffee can greatly increase quality and performance of your tasks.

As a summary, the findings of this research are that if employees are given a couple of beers, they get innovative ideas which can then be executed to perfection with great zest and energy, provided they are also given some coffee to enhance their productivity at work.

Wonder if my employer has read these articles :D



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